Thursday, September 10, 2015

Here we go again, more pseudo-scientific false biased hominid conclusions drawn via human skeletal remains found. Sigh...

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Here we go again, more pseudo-scientific false biased hominid conclusions drawn via human skeletal remains found. Sigh...

Obviously a human skeleton
See, they always pull this BS with these bone fragments. They make up history. They find only FRAGMENTS of bone, literally, or like one tooth and then created this huge plaster head where they simply stick in the fragments where they "think" they should go. They have preconceived notions that they are carrying out. There were no eye ridges, or true skull pieces found, no full face or skull, nothing. They merely found one tooth, a few fragments and that's it. They THEY created the plaster skull with some copied fragments in it. So this isn't real. See, the REAL Truth is not just the very religious creationism view and is not the very scientific evolutionary view - certainly not this complete BS that we see being done here by example. The Truth is somewhere in between, but not an evolution of species, rather the loss of species through time and the evolution of the environment in which those creatures live, which of course affects them directly...

So some guy wrote me to call me "biased" for sharing such obvious conclusions and observations. So I "informed" him:

"If you consider their immediate declaration of THOSE bones to be "non-human" as "unbiased", then you do not know the meaning of the word biased. Or you are carrying a double standard against my viewpoint.

I'm no bible thumper or any of that, but I'm a REAL scientist, HARDCORE to the max and I can not stand partial data being turned into full conclusions. Especially when the obvious conclusion would be that they are some early nomadic human beings or something of that nature on first guess viewing the bones. This one is obvious.

And if you are looking for a non-biased conclusion, you really should contact National Geographic about this and tell them to stop jumping the gun on the "hominid" idea, since it is so farfetched in this case."


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